The Beatles: musical in lingua inglese
Pubblicato: 07/05/2011  
Autore: segreteria

Lunedì 18 aprile le classi 2ª C, 2ª E e 3ª I TEMT si sono recate al teatro Brandolini di Oderzo per assistere al musical “The Beatles” messo in scena dal “Palkettostage” e che ricostruisce la storia, personale e artistica,

del gruppo attraverso la narrazione e il punto di vista del leader John Lennon. Accanto ai dialoghi lo spettacolo presenta una vasta scelta di pezzi di repertorio, tutti interpretati dal vivo.
Il viaggio nella memoria dei Fab Four  e degli anni indimenticabili della Swinging London è  arricchito da materiali video, documenti provenienti da registrazioni pubbliche, estratti di film, immagini di concerti, testimonianze di momenti privati e foto.

Alcuni estratti dai commenti degli studenti:

The musical we saw was really good. I really liked when actors started to sing Hey Jude ; at the end of the song when it says “na na na na na “ all the people in the threatre started to shout with the actors. It was really beautiful. The only bad thing were the subtitles : they weren’t synchronized with the songs. [Filippo 2ª C]

The musical was fantastic and the actors were really good. I liked it because the actors’ voices were similar to the original Beatles’ voices. [Davide 2ª C]

…after this musical I like Beatles much more than before. The actors were good and I think I didn’t waste my time. [Michael 2ª C]

First I thought that I wouldn’t have liked it because I thought that it was just a cover band  but instead they were actors. Later I really enjoyed the show  because they weren’t speaking too fast so I have been able to understand nearly the whole story of the Beatles. [Filippo 2ª E]

Thanks to this musical I learned something new about the Beatles and I really love their songs. [Silviu 2ª E]

I didn’t like the organization because they separated my class but I loved the finale when they sang “Imagine “ and there you could see the public who was happy. [Gerald 2ª E]

I would have liked to be nearer to the stage. It was very difficult to understand what they were saying, maybe it would have been better to have subtitles of the dialogues. [Francesco 3ª I]

I liked it! The actors .. well,  weren’t only actors. They were artists : they danced, acted, played an instrument , sang and this was great! Listen and understand  wasn’t very easy but it’s been a good exercise to improve the knowledge of the language
. [Naomi 3ª I]

The show was amazing, a brilliant idea and the actors were really good. There was nothing I didn’t like about that show. Great cast, great story ….. Well done Palkettostage! [Anna 3ª I]
